Hey! I’m Stephanie, the hooker behind it all. I’m a 30-something mom and wife, living in North Carolina. My family is a big bag of mixed nuts, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have two knucklehead cats, Kirk and Rory (appropriately named after characters from Gilmore Girls), who rule the household.
I’ve always been crafty, trying my hand at many things including sewing, painting, jewelry making, embroidery, and countless other half abandoned ideas. I am forever and always (badly) singing made up lyrics to songs, dancing in the kitchen, and laughing at inappropriate jokes. I’m basically a 13-year-old boy who happens to like sparkly, colorful things.
My crochet career began about 12-ish years ago when a coworker gifted me a bag of yarn. I had never even held a crochet hook, and well, honestly, anyone who knew me was shocked I would be interested.
I took a hook and a ball of lace-weight yarn (see: clueless) to my grandmother and asked her to teach me everything she knew. We managed to get through chains and single crochets, and I was sent back home to practice.
I made a terrible dish cloth and was immediately hooked. (Pun absolutely intended.) Eager to learn more, I took to the interwebs, and taught myself everything else I know.
I opened an Etsy shop (originally called Squishy Couture) specializing in baby hats and headbands, eventually adding my own patterns. I have been contracted as a pattern tester/sample maker for Universal Yarns and We Crochet. (Still currently working with WeCrochet!)
Writing and crochet have really been my only consistent loves in life (craftily speaking, of course). I’ve also discovered I really like to teach. And so you find me here (you’re still here!), writing this blog in hopes of helping you grow in your own crochet adventure. There is nothing more satisfying than teaching someone a new skill and watching them run off into the night, gleefully stitching away like a little kid who just stole a Thing They Are Not Supposed To Have.
We do inclusivity in this house, and so I extend a heartfelt welcome to ALL who may find themselves in my little corner of the internet.